Responsible Sourcing Policy


I – Important Concepts

  • Green/Ecological/Ethical Purchasing
    We speak of green and/or ecological purchasing when we acquire products and services taking into account
    taking into account not only the usual criteria of quality and price, but we go further, giving preference to goods and
    giving preference to goods and services that respect the environment beyond taking into consideration the
    human and environmental conditions in which they were produced, thus contributing to a
    sustainable development.
  • Social Responsibility
    Concept that aims at the voluntary integration of Naturisnor’s social and environmental concerns
    in its activities and in the permanent interaction with its external environment.
  • Environmental sustainability
    Concept associated with “Sustainable Development”, where environmental sustainability is
    characterized by maintaining the capacity of the environment to provide the environmental services and
    the resources necessary for the development of human societies on a permanent basis.
    The most famous definition of sustainable development is referred to in the Brundtland Report
    of the World Commission on Environment and Development (UN,
    1987): “‘Sustainable development’ is development that meets the needs
    present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own

II – Context

The sustainability of organizations today is a condition for their efficiency and effectiveness.
Entities, both public and private, are adopting strategies aimed at sustainable development to
development to meet the demands of a society experiencing a severe economic and environmental crisis.
and environmental crisis.

Naturisnor, especially in the area of tourism, is aware that it must cooperate to resolution of socio environmental problems, adopting a long-term vision of management of natural and environmental resources and also associating an economic and social component.

Also, as a service provider, Naturisnor is aware of its responsibilities in terms of sustainable development.
Through the definition of environmental and social criteria for the purchases it promotes, Naturisnor intends to contribute to a broad awareness of society for the scarcity scarcity and the need to preserve natural resources.

With the adoption of a Responsible Purchasing Plan, Naturisnor intends to improve its and services acquisition policy, progressively integrating more demanding criteria and goals in its purchasing criteria and targets in its purchasing decisions in order to promote an ethical choice for sustainable development, increasingly boosting the local economy.

To this extent, Naturisnor can serve as an example to the other social and economic actors. Basing your decision to buy a product or service not only on quality and price criteria, but taking into account the human and environmental conditions in which produced and commercialized, Naturisnor expects to actively contribute to the environmentally responsible markets that take into account the human and environmental human and environmental consequences of its acquisitions

III – Implementation

In order for this whole process to be correctly disseminated and applied, it is fundamental that some steps must be respected:

We intend Naturisnor to continue to play a leading role in the territory, seeking to manage the balance between development and social responsibility, as well as environmental preservation and local economic prosperity.
The principles and commitments we assume daily reflect our respect for our suppliers, employees and customers, allowing a greater confidence in our services.

Thus, our approach to the market will be guided by the following principles:

               Business Ethics

People are the fundamental pieces in the tourism industry. That is why Naturisnor, fighting daily for the full compliance with human rights dignity of workers, for the respect of natural resources, thinks it is fundamental to involve its supply chain in the respect for these values and principles.
For this to happen, we seek to maintain a selection of local suppliers based on rigorous and demanding criteria. By signing and validating this document they commit to the rights of their employees and to the promotion of safety and hygiene at work.

               Supporting local/regional suppliers

When possible, we choose to buy from local suppliers. We give preference to fresh food, bought in bulk, from local stores, and with as little packaging as possible. Thus, we try to avoid waste, not buying more than we need, while contributing to the socio-economic growth of the region and reduce CO2 emissions, by avoiding long distance transportation of goods from distant places.

               Respect for the environment

We favor suppliers committed to respecting biodiversity and the surrounding  socio-economic development. These companies take into account not only the life cycle and product costs, but also give preference to reusable, recyclable and returnable goods when available. Naturisnor is committed to protecting and preserve the environment, privileging the local economy and will continue to implement actions aimed at:

  • avoid purchasing disposable and immediate plastic packaging or items;
  • promote the purchase of recyclable and longer-lasting plastic products;
  • encourage the use of recycled material in new products;
  • reduce and/or minimize the purchase of disposable consumables, opting, whenever
    eco-friendly products whenever possible;

               Promotion of sustainable food

We promote healthy eating habits for employees and customers, offering the best and freshest products available through a rigorous process of food safety, hygiene and quality control. Whenever possible, products are grown and purchased locally. With these small/big contributions we want to contribute to the global changes necessary for the future of humanity.

We are counting on you!
We count on your Sustainable/Responsible Company!

Supplier evaluation criteria

NATURISNOR’s suppliers are always chosen according to the following criteria:

  • Respect, equality and ethics in dealing with their employees;
  • Compliance with all legal requirements applicable to their activities;
  • Helping to preserve local cultural and natural resources;
  • Guarantee of the best environmental practices, namely in the balanced use of natural resources;
  • Concern with correct waste separation;
  • Providing good customer service;
  • Constant concern for the client’s safety (food, physical or other);
  • Offer, whenever possible, products with ecological certification and / or sustainable;
  • Demonstration of transparent business management.